Pre-Season Wrapup

We worked on quite a few goals in December.


We wanted to create one downsized super-pit that would be small enough to bring to an event and fit in our closet, but big enough to leave robots and parts on mid- assembly

We also wanted to create organizational structures for our closet.


-Get the benchtop test working with the roborio 2 -Get the new Rev control system working if there is time -Get Ps4 controllers working. image3

Here is where we ended up…

  • Introduced two PS4 controllers to our copiously large collection
  • Worked on creating the electrics for our wood robot

  • Rearranged the closet
  • image2 image1

  • Swept the closet floor clean as well
  • Set up Benchtop tests
  • Updated one of our computers in the process image1 -The closet is organized :) image4

  • Lots of puns were made

